Soul work needs no approval or recognition from others

Rainbowtree Woman

“Your work is not to drag the world into a new awareness, kicking and screaming.
Your work is to simply do your work, sacredly, secretly and silently
And those with “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” will respond….”
– Unknown

Recently, I have been spending time alone in the beautiful spring nature of the European Alps. Almost as soon as we arrived, I found myself drawn to the alpine wild flowers, abundant, lively bees and colourful hives around me…

So what is the message of the bee? 

Above all, bee shows us devotion towards a higher purpose and the magical interconnectedness in all of life. Bee is completely devoted to work for the common good of the hive.

This can mirror the commitment we make to our own soul work – the on-going work of healing, transforming, learning and growing towards our higher purpose – Higher Self or spiritual potential.

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The Soul Purpose of our Journey

Do you wish to grow towards being your authentic self,…
or continue to be pressured to “achieve”
based on the values and expectations of other people and society?

In today’s world, there is much pressure to conform and achieve according to the standards of other people and society. Success is seen as being “driven”, “motivated”, “famous”, “looking good”, “getting ahead” and accumulating status, popularity or material possessions.

Let us ask ourselves these questions,… Are we being true to our heart? Are we sharing the true essence of who we are? Despite our self-doubts and vulnerabilities, do we find the courage to keep moving forward and into the unknown? Is the life we live a reflection of our own gifts, talents, and creative expression? Are we sincerely devoted to our path of healing and growing? Are we in alignment with a greater, higher power rather than our ego’s shallow needs, wants and desires?

Mainstream society does not encourage self-reflection and completely neglects the inner journey of discovering who we are, embodying our unique, creative potential and a sense of purpose for our life.

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