“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” – Carl Jung

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” – Carl Jung …. i.e not who we “think” we should be, who others would like us to be, or who we think we should have been more, in order to receive love, approval and acceptance…

For a long time, I have felt drawn to the energy and symbolism of the Lion. To me, the Lion represents the courage to be our authentic self, – to speak and act in harmony with our heart…even if it means, we stand alone in a crowd.

“Journey with my Lion – what it means to embody Lion energy” incorporates my artwork and writing to share some of my own vulnerabilities, strengths and awareness gained, through working closely (over a period of many months) with the energy and symbolism of the Lion and Lioness.

Link to blog post here: https://rainbowtreewoman.com/2017/09/22/journey-with-my-lion-what-it-means-to-embody-lion-energy/