The Soul Purpose of our Journey…(reflection)

Life is a journey…are we making life choices, which support and nurture our inner-soul-growth?

…On reflection, I see that from the “outside” the choices I made and the path I/we forged and created may have appeared irrational, unconventional, obscure and unplanned to some people. However, as I began to view my life choices more from the “inside” and less how others and society perceived me, I came to realise that the most important was that I listened to my own intuition and followed my heart and soul. I now know that this way never demonstrates a carefully-calculated-straight-path because it is open to flow and spontaneously change as we grow to become more authentic and self-embodied…

Jaymie Elder

Excerpt from: “The Soul Purpose of our Journey”
This post is about looking at life and our journey from the perspective of our soul, where I share much from my own personal life teachings, wisdom and journey…it was written in May 2018.

…Which life choices have you made lately, which may have appeared irrational, “unplanned”, or obscure to other people or society – but they felt TRUE to your heart and soul?…🌺

Jaymie Elder is a soul journey guide, artist, writer and traveller offering intuitive guidance/Soul Sessions internationally via Skype. Jaymie is dedicated to supporting others to heal and grow towards their authentic self – and a life in harmony with their heart and soul being. Learn more about Jaymie and her work here

Bee Prayer – Spiritual Message of the Bee

I am often inspired by the humble, devoted, and divine role, which bees play in our world…

I have long believed that bees are doing so much more for the planet other than crop/food pollination, honey etc (although, of course all of this is majorly important for our survival and the beauty, health and sweetness of nature!)…

…It’s a bit like hearing the spring birds singing to the sun every morning and at dusk…even with out seeing them, you might hear their bird song and it encourages a lightness in your heart and your emotional, spiritual body. This gently reminds you, even if you have been feeling out-of-sync or anxious, you ARE woven intricately into the fabric of all life around you…

…You belong to this earth, you are needed, you are loved…

It has been said that for humans to dwell in the places where bees visit daily – it does wonders for the soul. As a an artist, writer, musician, dancer or poet, you might find that when you are near bees you can more easily access the right-brain, irrational, sensory, higher mind and receive inspirational ideas and creative visions more easily.

There are many unknown secrets about bees and I think this is why I have felt so drawn to them! 

Bees have mystical connections with the ether, the elemental “unseen” kingdoms that are very much a part of our world and have been honoured by more receptive and spiritually attuned cultures, since ancient times.

Just like in the bee hive, I feel that we each have an important, unique role to play. We will always be given a choice; for example,…Today: what kind of ripple effect or sound/energy wave am I co-creating with my words, feelings and actions? 🤔

Despite the challenges, may you keep finding the light and courage to walk your own Sacred Journey – knowing that Mother Nature always has your back. When you need a safe, loving place (hive☺) to fall back in too – it is quiet, reflective, “beeing” time spent in nature, which can soothe your soul and remind you who you truly are and why you came here for this time…

There were many women before me,…
connected to the ancient world of herbalism
and the sacred feminine…
What matters most to me,
is that I follow my intuitive guidance
and make time to listen for the gentle wisdom
wanting to hold me in a nurturing, safe space –
so I may grow, bloom, share
and be all of who I came here to be.
– Jaymie Elder May, 2021

I hope you find/enjoy the bees where you are and that they have special messages and inspiration to share,…just for you.

Please let me know in the comments, if you also feel drawn to the spiritual symbolism of the bee, you have your own bees or you make extra sure they have a loving home in your garden!

If you like, you will find further reading in a post I created around 4 years ago in the Italian Alps during summer, about the alchemy of bees and how this relates to our own spiritual journey of soul growth, healing and evolution.

Local bees drinking at a village creek, last Spring in Italy.

Sadly, many of the local bees I photographed last year at this village creek, did not make it through the unusual cold months of March & April. But after the spring rain 🌧 I intend to visit again, and honour the brave, divine bees who made it through 🙏 🐝

Below, is a beautiful “Bee Prayer”; I found on the Animal Totem website. I hope you find it to be inspiring!

Bee Prayer:

Winged spirit of sweetness,
I call on you.
Teach me the ways of
Transformation and fertilisation,
The path from pollen to sweetness honey.
Teach me to taste the essence
Of each place I alight,
Carrying that essence with me
To continue creation’s cycle.
Teach me the ways of hope,
Reminding me that what seems impossible
May yet be achieved.
Flitting tears of the gods,
Draw me ever closer to the wisdom
Hidden within beauty.
Give me flight and sunlight,
Passion and productivity,
Cooperation with those around me
And sharpened strength to defend my home.
May I ever spiral out from my heart,
Searching for what I need,
And return there once again
To turn those lessons into nourishment.
Bee spirit, I call you.

Source: Animal Totem

Jaymie Elder is a soul journey guide, artist, photographer and traveller offering intuitive Soul Sessions internationally via Skype. Jaymie is dedicated to supporting others to heal and grow towards their authentic self – and a life in harmony with their heart and soul being. Learn more about Jaymie and her work here.

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Copyright © Jaymie Elder 2021

All photography/video in this post: Copyright © Jaymie Elder 2021