Soul Stirrings…💫 A pre-Imbolc message

Creative, embodied souls who are here to be trailblazers,…💫

…KNOW that part of being on earth at this time, means to continually make ourselves open to move through the phoenix flames and embrace change, rebirth and transformation…

Growth, healing, freedom and consciously evolving into a new paradigm – without change – is simply not possible…

However, change and the unknown are very difficult for most of us (honest and humble enough to admit it)!…


Here, in the Northern Hemisphere as spring gently comes closer to our part of the world, what are you beginning to feel ready to release into the phoenix flames so you can move forward into the new and who you are becoming? 🔥…

When I’m in nature,…I spend alot of my time simply BEING STILL AND RECEPTIVE…

Often our soul is requiring the body and heart to integrate all of the rapid energetic changes we are experiencing on the planet. To BE in our feminine energy simply means to stop trying, turn inward, rest, feel and allow. However, we are neither encouraged nor shown how valuable it can be to tune inwards to nature’s frequency (let alone our inner selves) using our inherent, receptive capibilities and sensory gifts ❤…

In our western world, it can be most difficult for us to do this…

However, overtime and with patience, I learnt it provides the nourishing, FERTILE SOIL for inner healing, creative inspiration and transformation to occur…
(PS: If this resonates, you are open for change and you would like some support and soul guidance – please contact me to book a reading 🙏).

First butterfly of 2024, spotted yesterday. The Peacock Butterfly – Aglais io – Mother Nature is waking up early here!