Solstice blessings 🕯 22 December 2023 🕯

Maturing and merging with my SOUL…

Over many years, (here, since 2016), I have been devoted to write and share about conscious growth, the soul journey, sensitivity and healing the inner child, shadow work, ancestral connection, re-wilding and personal transformation…

Today, my real life teachings and skills (living simply with my soulmates and BEING in close relationship with nature over a long period), are ALL inner riches of my journey – supporting me in today’s world to be and share my authentic self…

More than ever before, I am standing in and expressing more of my truth, being open, feeling supported and trusting my intuition to guide me,…

Even in the quiet, stillness of winter, I notice that doors can open NATURALLY in the outer world (without force and exhaustion) just like they do for me when I’m in nature. I embrace these moments of alignment where I can see my soul path being illuminated…


It flows from WITHIN! 
And the daily connections I embrace and feel with ALL life forms.
(Not just human)…

We are all different and our journeys are unique!…

On my journey it never felt right for me to practise strengthening my intuition and connection to the spirit realm through meditation, sitting inside walls…

I have learnt the most by being outdoors; 🌱🌲
Through listening, observing, and deepening my heart connection with the wild plants, herbs, alpine flowers, mushrooms, the ancestors & the ancients…

Merging with my SOUL…

For my partner and I,
it’s about as much as possible,


22 December 2033. Rest in the deep stillness of Winter Solstice – the longest night of the year – knowing that the return of light is near.
Solstice blessings to everyone, Jaymie.

“Suddenly all of my ancestors are behind me, “Be still” they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands”- Unknown

If you enjoyed this post, please share it, follow my blog or register to receive notifications in your email box for my future posts. Thank you!

More reading from Rainbowtree Woman about the Soul Journey
and the path of healing and transformation: – Click here

Follow Rainbowtree Woman on: Instagram
Email Jaymie:

The true work we are here for, is inside of us.

When we write from our Soul, 
we are not writing what we "think" other people want to hear... 

We are writing from the most authentic, unique, deeper part of ourselves, 
which knows and holds the essence or "blueprint" for why we are here... 

We are not here to exist in a perma-state of clarity, peace 
or being fully at ease within ourselves and our life...

Contrary to the popular, new age definition of; "The Soul Journey" or "Soul Work",...

It is my belief that our inner work (shadow work, inner child & ancestral healing) 
never ends,... 

And it is certainly is not a process we can speed up or jump hurdles to "arrive quicker" at some superficial "destination"...

Being devoted to a path of personal transformation and conscious growth means;
We work with the external triggors and unpleasant emotions in our daily life... 

We go within; to recognise our own shadow 
and bring to light the fragmented parts of ourselves,  
who feel lost, abandoned, hurt, angry, not good enough, etc...

In my quiet time alone in nature, I can observe, 
connect and listen to these vulnerable parts of my Inner Child...

I feel their fear of being wrong, different, punished, ridiculed, judged etc.
I also feel their longing for love, safety, to be embraced and receive a hand to hold...

No person, or anything external, can do this inner work for us!...

This is the - LONG TERM - committment I make to myself  
and my soul journey of growth and evolution... 

The more we do our inner work,  
the more authentic we become...

The more we express and stand in our soul truth, 
the less we are afraid of people's reaction's (people-pleasing) or needy of their approval... 

The light within us begins to burn stronger and more radiant...

We value ourselves more and we are not so desperate or needy 
for superficial, short term results or relationships that are not honest and respectful...

But the inner work never ends, 
because our Soul Journey is cyclical and patient, like all of Nature... 

Like all of Nature, 
we each have an important part to play... 

I believe that the inner, alchemical work we do in our life and family,
is the greatest gift we can give...

...To this extraordinary, challenging, evolutionary shift in consciousness on our planet.
Be gentle with yourself...

There are many who watch over you,  
loving, supporting and guiding you on your journey home. 

Reminder: Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the deep, solitary inner work we do now in the darker, colder months of the year that will allow us to give birth to new energy, light, and seeds of creativity in spring 🙏🔥🌱🦋🙏 

"Suddenly all of my ancestors are behind me, "Be still" they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands"- Unknown

If you enjoyed this post, please share it, follow my blog or register to receive notifications in your email box for my future posts. Thank you!

More reading from Rainbowtree Woman about the Soul Journey
and the path of healing and transformation: – Click here

More information about working with Jaymie, in personal sessions: – Click here

Follow Rainbowtree Woman on: Instagram
Email Jaymie:

The inward journey that Winter offers & the medicine of Wild Rose…

The featured photo of this post is my homemade Wild Rose Petal Elixhir made with brandy and honey…🍸🍯🌸

Winter Solstice is not that far away…

The more I learned how to nurture and bring warmth into my own body, heart and soul, the more I began to love and truly savour the colder, darker months of the year…

Because I love the inward journey that winter offers, overtime, I found ceremony and ritual in simple things that give me great pleasure…

I learned that as I could sit in stillness tending to my shadow, my inner child and my darker, more challenging emotions, this inner journey was mirrored in the medicine I gravitated towards in nature, to nourish and support me with love…

Throughout history, and in cultures all over the world, people have been drawn to the essence and medicine of roses to nurture the body, heart and soul…In Ayurvedic medicine, rose is considered unique because of its cooling properties aswell as its ability to enhance the digestive fire – “agni”. It’s therefore perfect for balancing all three doshas…

This Wild Rose Petal Elixhir made from the petals I gathered in the mountains, is literally the closest thing I have ever made to a love potion!…😍

Drinking it, I experience a wonderful warming, softening energy in my heart and it helps me calm a restless, scattered mind. I’m using it on grey days, when I feel we could both use the relaxing, uplifting and soothing properties of Rose, while I’m also reminded of all the wonderful memories of summer in the mountains with the abundant Wild Roses…

Use as a tincture, or a small amount in sparkling or warm water, in cocktails or in teas…

In many health stores you can find Rose tincture – or, it’s easy to make with your own rose petals. You could also simply add rose petals to honey for another way to infuse and use the wonderful medicinal value of rose. Afterwards, put outside in the sunshine everyday for upto 3 or 4 weeks…If you can’t access raw honey, try a honey that’s light in colour and flavour, therefore you’ll experience the rose perfume & taste sensation!)

As my Elixhir is disappearing too quickly ☺, I plan to make more! But this time, I’ll use some of the dried wild rose petals I stored away for winter like a squirrel!…

At this time of year, while everything in popular culture is designed to drain our spirit and life-force, (turning us into senseless, mega-consumers) Nature will always offer us MORE in the way of nourishment, love, fulfillment and life-energy…

Medicine truly is everywhere…

And let’s not forget,…
Not for everyone, but for the right people, there’s ALOT of medicine
in our unique journey of transformation,
and BECOMING…❤ 🐛🦋

Many people need love this time of year. If you feel this post might offer support to a heavy heart or anyone else who might benefit from my words – please share the love! Thanks.

“What matters most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them…Happiness doesn’t lie in the objects we gather around us. To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes.” – The Little Prince

Some thoughts about sensitive children and being introverted…

In our modern world, the extroverted personality is often glorified,…
while those who are naturally more introverted are not being given the understanding and compassion they deserve…

Many introverts are very sensitive to life around them and can experience the world through the lense of a deeply connected and fulfilling INNER world…💫

They have no need or desire for endless relationships or the vibrant energy of people around them…Energy, fulfillment and balance come through silence, simplicity, being alone in nature or with one’s own clear and individual thoughts…

Early in life, children who show signs of naturally being this way need to hear that their gifts are unique, beautiful and equally beneficial to a world, which is often far too noisy and busy – with humans who struggle to find fulfillment or safety in the simplicity of their own stillness and inner silence…

Sensitive children are a gift to this world…

They can help us to connect with our own vulnerability, sensitivity, longing for love and compassion and to be true to our own heart and soul path…

In a world ready to be reborn, I hope we can all become more conscious of our own generational wounds so we don’t unconsciously project them onto the next generations…Above all, early on, we celebrate the individual essence and unique soul gifts, which are rare but beautifully present in every child…


“May my soul bloom in love for all existence.”

Rudolf Steiner  

My painting: “Baby deer” ⬇️

Who were you, before you were told who you should be…?


“We all start out knowing magic.
We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside us.
We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds
and see our destiny in grains of sand.
But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls.
We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out.
We get put on the straight and narrow and told to be responsible.
Told to act our age.
Told to grow up, for God’s sake.
And you know why we were told that?
Because the people doing the telling
were afraid of our wildness and youth,
and because the magic we knew
made them ashamed and sad
of what they’d allowed to wither in themselves.”

– Robert R. McCammon

Who were you, before the world told you who you should be?…

It’s 📸 me, 9 years old: dressed as a “Gypsy-fortune-teller” for our school book character day,…My mum helped with the costume and the photo made the front page of our town newspaper! 😃🤭 On that day, to my surprise, many children qued up in a long line for their chrystal ball “future reading”…The curious effect of a gypsy costume, a childs imagination and my netball covered in aluminium tinfoil proved to be quite amazing 😂…

In my 20’s, I ran a small business as a children’s facepainter. This special time, meeting and creating with many children around New Zealand, showed me the power and beauty of the child’s imagination…

It also helped me to heal and reconnect with my own Inner Child who believes in magic, endlessly writes and illustrates stories and poetry, walks barefoot everywhere and has a special friendship with pollinators and insects… 😍🦋🐛🐝

What are some key moments in your childhood where through freedom to PLAY, IMAGINE OR CREATE, you seemed to intuitively know what made you happy and flowed naturally from your inner self?…

During my personal journey and in my work offering intuitive soul guidance, I learned how important a healthy relationship with our Inner Child can be…

When our child parts are feeling heard, safe, supported and loved, life feels more flowing and meaningful…

It’s important that we do not forget the special moments of our childhood…And we honour them by making time and space for our childhood innocence and dreams to continue in our adult life…💓

Who were you, before you were told who you should be…?

PS: Are you following me on Facebook or Instagram?

I would also love to connect with you there, where I share my writing, and ideas about personal growth and healing more frequently…

A simple message from Hypericum, St John’s Wort 🌞 

Hypericum perforatum: flower essence of light-filled protection and connection with our inner sun…

When we are always fearful of not “doing it right” or being “good enough”, it’s difficult to find the courage to explore new avenues in life…or try out new, more authentic ways of showing up in the world…

The internal critic and perfectionist are masters in stifling our growth and telling us in a million different ways,…we are worthless and small…

It’s not possible to abolish these internal voices who give us pain and destroy our self-worth. However, every soul is free to choose a path of healing and growing towards love and conscious awareness…

In shining a beacon of light on the wounded parts of Self, their power and control can begin to dissipate…

While we may be aware of their chaotic, relentless presence in the background, they are no longer taking center-stage… 

Together, with the protective shield of Hypericum and our devotion to our inner work, we are growing more to a place of self-mastery and freedom,…a state of true being and profound witnessing…

Hypericum also supports us to remember the Spirit Beings of nature who take on many different and unique light forms…

These nature spirits of light and joy would like us to play, dance, create, be free and joyful,…Have fun and connect with them!… 🧚‍♀️ 

🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞

Since ancient times, Hypericum has been known as the herb of sunlight, embodying both its light and warming energies…During Antiquity, Greek and Romans used Hypericum for spiritual protection, but also to burn for purification of the home. Hypericum provided healing for wounds and bites, digestive disorders, and support for depression, despair and suicidal tendencies.

Hypericum works well for those who suffer from depression, anxiety and insomnia. But also those who are sensitive…A flower essence of Hypericum not only offers spiritual/psychic protection but supports us to anchor light into our body and soul and radiate this light and warmth from within our own true source.

🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞

Recently, I had a chance to make a flower essence of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort)…

While I still consider myself to be a novice, the flower-essence process gives me a much greater opportunity to dive into the mystical realm of flower power and unravel the deeper, intuitive messages they wish to communicate…Making flower essences takes me into a very sacred, ceremonial space with nature and I really love it!…

Can you see the Marmot spirit in the photo of me making the Hypericum flower essence?…🤗

Over the past months, the Marmot has been making his presence known to me in unique ways. However, I’m taking the sign of him being present with me (in the photo with Hypericum), that he is now travelling beside me as my new animal spirit guide and teacher…🥰

I’m very happy about this, because, among the many character qualities and spiritual gifts the Marmot represents, it shows I am ready to embrace new avenues in my life.

🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞🌟 🌞

Hi, I’m Jaymie. I journey deeply with nature spirits, animal and plant medicine, as well as flower essences. My work is to assist and offer support for the transformational work of the heart, using my gifts in intuitive soul guidance and inner child healing. I offer personal, skype sessions to support your personal growth and expression of your unique talents and soul gifts in this life.

Soul Timing…

🌟 Soul Timing 🌟

What is ‘Soul Timing’?…

I have learned,…’Soul Timing’ is the SLOW medicine of being and trusting in the perfection of all,…It’s knowing that everything in life arrives at the right time,…when it is ready…

It’s not about being so “driven” for “results” and acknowledgement coming from the outside…that we try to force and control everything with our mind (not listening and feeling from our heart)…

This time of chaos, change and much loss in the world is offering many people a chance to go ‘within’,…

…to review, re-evaluate and reflect on what is of true value, authenticity and nourishment in our lives…

Chaos, disharmony and loss can give us the opportunity to see that change is necessary…

Learn to become more at ease with your Inner Self,…Overtime,…you will realise…

…the peace, love and contentment you have been searching and longing for – through numerous ways on the ‘outside’ – can only be filled from within,…

…and your connection to the Great Spirit that moves through you and all of life…💓

🌎🌟A happy and peaceful Equinox🌟🌍
Much love,

Jaymie Elder

Introvert Musings: Intuition and the Medicine in Being Alone…

“To be free is to be capable of thinking one’s own thoughts…Not the thoughts merely of the body, or of society, but thoughts generated by one’s deepest, most original, most essential and spiritual self, one’s individuality.”

– Rudolf Steiner

As long as I can remember,…I sensed I was different and loved to be alone,…

It has been said that for Introverts, being alone with our thoughts is as restorative and nourishing as eating and sleeping…However, (like many others) I grew up in a culture and time in society when being “introverted” was not as acceptable, widely shared about or even celebrated like it is today!

Despite this, (and the wounds I accumulated to work with over-time) as from the age of 20, I was questioning and longing to “unfollow the herd”!…

I sensed that to find true happiness and self-fulfillment on my path in life, I needed to learn to disyfer, truly listen and follow the guidance of my own intuition and heart…Developing and nourishing my individual, Spiritual core became very important to me and still is today…I’m grateful to have met a partner who shared and supported these core values…

Now in my early 40’s, I am embracing a life and a future of not “needing” to be “understood” by others,…while at the same time, I am allowing myself to truly feel the unlimited, sovereign power, uniqueness and freedom within that….

If you resonate with these musings about Introverts,…

I hope despite what is happening in your life or whichever stage you are at on your journey, you keep following and finding strength in your intuition and unique identity.

Above all, keep walking at your own pace and find the solace, clarity, balance and restoration you need in your alone time.

The earth needs the unique essence and energy you carry within you!

Over many years, I have been offering support and intuitive guidance for sensitive empaths/introverts/mavericks/creative souls – born for this curent paradigm shift we are moving through…Drawing on my artistic expression and my experiences of a self-awareness, healing path of 20+ years, I write, ponder and offer inspiration about similar themes and ideas in many of my blog posts.

…Feel free to browse through this website/blog and also follow my/our journey in the Alps on Instagram.