Solstice blessings 🕯 22 December 2023 🕯

Maturing and merging with my SOUL…

Over many years, (here, since 2016), I have been devoted to write and share about conscious growth, the soul journey, sensitivity and healing the inner child, shadow work, ancestral connection, re-wilding and personal transformation…

Today, my real life teachings and skills (living simply with my soulmates and BEING in close relationship with nature over a long period), are ALL inner riches of my journey – supporting me in today’s world to be and share my authentic self…

More than ever before, I am standing in and expressing more of my truth, being open, feeling supported and trusting my intuition to guide me,…

Even in the quiet, stillness of winter, I notice that doors can open NATURALLY in the outer world (without force and exhaustion) just like they do for me when I’m in nature. I embrace these moments of alignment where I can see my soul path being illuminated…


It flows from WITHIN! 
And the daily connections I embrace and feel with ALL life forms.
(Not just human)…

We are all different and our journeys are unique!…

On my journey it never felt right for me to practise strengthening my intuition and connection to the spirit realm through meditation, sitting inside walls…

I have learnt the most by being outdoors; 🌱🌲
Through listening, observing, and deepening my heart connection with the wild plants, herbs, alpine flowers, mushrooms, the ancestors & the ancients…

Merging with my SOUL…

For my partner and I,
it’s about as much as possible,


22 December 2033. Rest in the deep stillness of Winter Solstice – the longest night of the year – knowing that the return of light is near.
Solstice blessings to everyone, Jaymie.

“Suddenly all of my ancestors are behind me, “Be still” they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands”- Unknown

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More reading from Rainbowtree Woman about the Soul Journey
and the path of healing and transformation: – Click here

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Making a flower essence from Alpine Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium)

It’s a great privilege to be able to bond and make medicine from wildflowers in the pure mountain areas of the Alps.

Wildflower essences of the Alps are of extraordinary purity and a high vibration. The natural flowing mountain creeks, streams and waterfalls are pristine and a personal highlight for me to spend time near!

One of the many reasons I love the practise of making my own wildflower essences is because through the process, I slow down completely, feel deeply into Mother Nature’s messengers and the elements of sun-earth-water.

There are no shortages of these sacred messengers in the Alps. In fact, as soon as I sit down, I become observant to the abundant life forms all around me in perfect harmony and diversity. It’s really something so wondrous and beautiful to witness. Butterflys, cicadas, beetles, bees are all so curious and adventurous. Almost as if they immediately want to gently connect with you and offer their complete trust.

It’s easy to get really excited and feel special, as there are so many landing your skin, clothing, packs, hiking sticks…etc…etc… But the butterflys are attracted to the salt in our sweat! 😂 Our sweat gives the butterflies a boost of minerals and proteins to support their diet.

For a moment, I’m a visitor in their home. I treat this as sacred. I always ask the plants, ancestors and ancients permission first, and I wait for a subtle sign before rushing in from my ego. I try to never do anything in a hurry. Often, I leave gifts of dried herb bundles behind in special areas as a way offering thanks to the creator, the plant spirits and ancient guardians of the mountains who I sense are still very much part of the landscape.

I also want to tread as lightly as possible, i.e not trample all over plants unnecessarily, take only what I need (flower essences only require a very small amount of flowers 🙏) always try to learn about which flowers are protected and especially respect the territory of one of my favourite mountain friends – the Marmots! 😁

Last summer, I discovered about how to make my own flower essences. I made several from my strongest mountain allies like Wild Rose, Fireweed, Hypericum and Yarrow.

I knew then, as I do now, it’s been one of the most important discoveries on my journey because it has aligned me with a strong but playful calling I once felt as a child. Back then, I did not have the vocabulary or parents who could guide me in the direction I later discovered for myself. However, I remember distinctly wanting to create and feel myself a part of the alchemy – magic – of Mother Nature.

Perhaps I was inspired by the wizards and fairies I saw in cartoons on television in the 1980s 😊. I remember finding joy in making intuitive “experiments”. These experiments were about mixing all kinds of plant matter together with any of the obscure liquids I could find in my mother’s wash room cabinet! 😅🙏

Today, whenever I am creating anything from Mother Nature I not only know my inner child is super-content. It also helps me lift my vibration and reconnect with my body and heart when I’m too much in the head. Creating together with Mother Nature really is a pathway home to my true self and my many past life times and ancestry connected with herbalism and the sacred feminine.

Rock Rose Flower Essence

For times of the unexpected. Finding courage, steadiness and self-preservation with ease. Supports us to face life’s sudden changes, which can put us into fight-or-flight survival mode, panic and fear.

I first connected with the Rock Rose flower during the “c crisis” of spring 2020! (Timing…I know right!? 😯)

I was overjoyed to find her growing in a meadow I visited everyday, while we were “locked down” on a camper park in a small village in Italy. I had become curious of this beautiful, delicate sun-flower that seemed to burst with energy – wanting me to connect and know more about her medicine.

Later, after identifying her, I was so happy when I realized Rock Rose was part of our Rescue Remedy Bach Flower blend and also one of the 38 Bachflower remedies! A herbal medicine I had already been using and gravitating towards in any emergency or unexpected encounters – even with animals – for so many years!

3 years later, I was guided back to an area of exquisite beauty high in the mountains (2000m). Here, I had already seen and photographed her growing last summer. However, this time I did not expect to find her in such abundance – covering two whole sides of a less exposed mountain slope!

When we ask and are ready to embrace a new herbal medicine in our life, Mother Nature will always guide us. When I can follow my intuition, I have been shown this countless times. It is always self-assuring and synchronistic – giving me a wonderful sense that I am
in tune with a life-force far greater than I know
and on the right path!

Right away, I knew I needed to come back to this beautiful place where Rock Rose was thriving and make a flower essence. The next day, a perfect sunny morning created the right conditions for me to make my first flower essence of Alpine Rock Rose.

While her petals are delicate, this wonderful, bright, little sun-flower is strong, hardy and brave – a true alpine survivor in the toughest of environmental conditions! Sitting and being receptive to how her flower medicine helps us, I received “steadiness” and “self-preservation with ease”. The ability to let go of control, surrender, be brave and trust that we have the inner strength, balance and perseverance to grow through life’s challenges – especially those which bring sudden shock and panic to our nervous system.

Have you been using Bachflower Rescue Remedy and therefore already connected with Rock Rose?

Does she grow wild near you?

I would love to read about your own experiences using this beautiful flower essence!…

Hi, I’m Jaymie. I journey deeply with nature spirits, animal and plant medicine, as well as flower essences. In the future, I hope to offer a small selection of my alpine flower essences to offer emotional healing support for others. My work is to assist and offer support for the transformational work of the heart, using my gifts in intuitive soul guidance and inner child healing. I offer personal, skype sessions to support the personal growth and expression of your unique talents and soul gifts in your life.

A message & sharing for 12.12.2022

Today is 12 / 12 / 2022…
A very significant day in astrology, about wholeness and completion and a day I feel like sharing the story of how my “Full Cold Moon Photo” happened. It’s really a very simple story, about following our intuition, heart, body and soul to experience magic and divine timing. But somehow the message feels significant to what is being asked of us, at this moment in time…

On the evening before the Cold Full Moon, I left the house knowing that she would rise over the mountains somewhere between 4.30pm and 5pm…

Orginally, in my mind I “thought” I needed to climb up higher to find the “perfect view”…So, I took a path into the forest (I didn’t really want to take it because I knew it was quite rough and steep)…I walked for some time, taking it slowly as I always do…After a while, I was blessed to see a beautiful male Chamois run over my path and hear his call…However, at some stage, my body started to feel tired…I crouched down in the snow and poured myself a chaga chai from my thermos 😊…Still after my chai, it just didn’t feel right to go on…So, I turned back…

I decided instead to collect some pine cones and tree foliage for our home christmas decorations. I had stopped thinking about the moon rising, even though, every now and then, I had a stunning view of the mountains and the beautiful changing light through a momentary forest clearing. Eventually, my forest path ended. Carrying my new gifts from the forest, I made my way back home along a road to our home…I felt happy and relaxed…

I JUST arrived at our front entrance – HOME! I looked towards the mountains in the distance and then saw magnificent Grandmother Moon rising over one of my favourite mountains…

I was stunned! 😲 I could not believe the magical, divine timing. It felt very powerful to see and experience the moon this way from our new home. Knowing that I had chosen to listen and follow my body and heart and not push myself with my mind, made me feel even happier!..

A wonderful confirmation in true BEING, trusting my feelings and really in flow & harmony with the magic surrounding me…

Wishing you all a beautiful day, of listening and following the SUBTLE intuitive messages of your body, heart and soul. 💓

Some thoughts about sensitive children and being introverted…

In our modern world, the extroverted personality is often glorified,…
while those who are naturally more introverted are not being given the understanding and compassion they deserve…

Many introverts are very sensitive to life around them and can experience the world through the lense of a deeply connected and fulfilling INNER world…💫

They have no need or desire for endless relationships or the vibrant energy of people around them…Energy, fulfillment and balance come through silence, simplicity, being alone in nature or with one’s own clear and individual thoughts…

Early in life, children who show signs of naturally being this way need to hear that their gifts are unique, beautiful and equally beneficial to a world, which is often far too noisy and busy – with humans who struggle to find fulfillment or safety in the simplicity of their own stillness and inner silence…

Sensitive children are a gift to this world…

They can help us to connect with our own vulnerability, sensitivity, longing for love and compassion and to be true to our own heart and soul path…

In a world ready to be reborn, I hope we can all become more conscious of our own generational wounds so we don’t unconsciously project them onto the next generations…Above all, early on, we celebrate the individual essence and unique soul gifts, which are rare but beautifully present in every child…


“May my soul bloom in love for all existence.”

Rudolf Steiner  

My painting: “Baby deer” ⬇️

Samhain blessings

In ancient times, the Celtic festival of Samhain was celebrated as a mandatory holiday that lasted not 1 full day…but 3 full days and nights…

As Samhain occurs at roughly the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice, it was to mark an ending to the harvest time and the beginning of a new cycle…Celebrating, honouring and connecting deeper with nature’s transition from lightness (summer) to darkness (winter)…

Last night and today (until sunset), is a good moment to reflect on what we have learned during these past months,…What lessons, gifts and wisdom do we wish to take forward into winter?…What are we most grateful for?…🙏

We might also spend some time exploring our shadow,…Recognising beliefs that we have outgrown or any other limitations or ways of being that no longer serve us or resonate.
What are we feeling ready to let go of?…

Seeing ourselves not separate but “in sync” with Mother Natures rhythms and cycles, means;…

…Like our ancestors, we harness the energy available to us, to move forward into a new cycle lighter, more free, and grateful for the lessons our journey provided us…Our energy can expand to encompass new experiences. Or, more simply, we give ourselves permission to go within, and embrace the deep rest, relaxation and quiet, incubation time of winter ❄

Our ancestors and guides are always nearby and offering their support and guidance when needed…We only need to ask!…

Can you feel them and their love surrounding you?…

🕯💗🕯💗🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓 〰️ Samhain blessings 〰️🕯💗🕯💗🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓