Samhain blessings

In ancient times, the Celtic festival of Samhain was celebrated as a mandatory holiday that lasted not 1 full day…but 3 full days and nights…

As Samhain occurs at roughly the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice, it was to mark an ending to the harvest time and the beginning of a new cycle…Celebrating, honouring and connecting deeper with nature’s transition from lightness (summer) to darkness (winter)…

Last night and today (until sunset), is a good moment to reflect on what we have learned during these past months,…What lessons, gifts and wisdom do we wish to take forward into winter?…What are we most grateful for?…🙏

We might also spend some time exploring our shadow,…Recognising beliefs that we have outgrown or any other limitations or ways of being that no longer serve us or resonate.
What are we feeling ready to let go of?…

Seeing ourselves not separate but “in sync” with Mother Natures rhythms and cycles, means;…

…Like our ancestors, we harness the energy available to us, to move forward into a new cycle lighter, more free, and grateful for the lessons our journey provided us…Our energy can expand to encompass new experiences. Or, more simply, we give ourselves permission to go within, and embrace the deep rest, relaxation and quiet, incubation time of winter ❄

Our ancestors and guides are always nearby and offering their support and guidance when needed…We only need to ask!…

Can you feel them and their love surrounding you?…

🕯💗🕯💗🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓 〰️ Samhain blessings 〰️🕯💗🕯💗🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓🕯💓

Getting in sync with Mother Nature’s rhythms and cycles…

In ancient times, the Celtic festival of Samhain was celebrated as a mandatory holiday that lasted three full days and nights…

Samhain today in the Northern Hemisphere began last evening (October 31) and will end tonight (November 1)…

As Samhain occurs at roughly the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice, it was to mark an ending to the harvest time and the beginning of a new cycle…celebrating, honouring and connecting deeper with nature’s transition from lightness (summer) to darkness (winter)…

Today and right now, is a good moment to reflect on what we have learned during these past months,…What lessons, gifts and wisdom do we wish to take forward into winter…? What are we most grateful for?…🙏

We might also recognise beliefs that we have outgrown or any other limitations that we can now freely let go,…

Seeing ourselves not separate but “in sync” with Mother Natures rhythms and cycles, means we harness the energy and opportunities to move forward lighter, more free, and trusting our journey…

Our energy can therefore expand to encompass new experiences and ways of being and sharing more of our true self and gifts in the world…

Our ancestors and guides are always nearby and offering their support when needed! 💓
Sharing some foraging summer moments in the forests and mountains, where I was truly being in my flow, grateful and “in sync” with the abundant healing medicine and nutrition of Wild Nature 💓🙏💓






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Copyright © 2021 Jaymie Elder

