Soul Stirrings…💫 A pre-Imbolc message

Creative, embodied souls who are here to be trailblazers,…💫

…KNOW that part of being on earth at this time, means to continually make ourselves open to move through the phoenix flames and embrace change, rebirth and transformation…

Growth, healing, freedom and consciously evolving into a new paradigm – without change – is simply not possible…

However, change and the unknown are very difficult for most of us (honest and humble enough to admit it)!…


Here, in the Northern Hemisphere as spring gently comes closer to our part of the world, what are you beginning to feel ready to release into the phoenix flames so you can move forward into the new and who you are becoming? 🔥…

When I’m in nature,…I spend alot of my time simply BEING STILL AND RECEPTIVE…

Often our soul is requiring the body and heart to integrate all of the rapid energetic changes we are experiencing on the planet. To BE in our feminine energy simply means to stop trying, turn inward, rest, feel and allow. However, we are neither encouraged nor shown how valuable it can be to tune inwards to nature’s frequency (let alone our inner selves) using our inherent, receptive capibilities and sensory gifts ❤…

In our western world, it can be most difficult for us to do this…

However, overtime and with patience, I learnt it provides the nourishing, FERTILE SOIL for inner healing, creative inspiration and transformation to occur…
(PS: If this resonates, you are open for change and you would like some support and soul guidance – please contact me to book a reading 🙏).

First butterfly of 2024, spotted yesterday. The Peacock Butterfly – Aglais io – Mother Nature is waking up early here!

The inward journey that Winter offers & the medicine of Wild Rose…

The featured photo of this post is my homemade Wild Rose Petal Elixhir made with brandy and honey…🍸🍯🌸

Winter Solstice is not that far away…

The more I learned how to nurture and bring warmth into my own body, heart and soul, the more I began to love and truly savour the colder, darker months of the year…

Because I love the inward journey that winter offers, overtime, I found ceremony and ritual in simple things that give me great pleasure…

I learned that as I could sit in stillness tending to my shadow, my inner child and my darker, more challenging emotions, this inner journey was mirrored in the medicine I gravitated towards in nature, to nourish and support me with love…

Throughout history, and in cultures all over the world, people have been drawn to the essence and medicine of roses to nurture the body, heart and soul…In Ayurvedic medicine, rose is considered unique because of its cooling properties aswell as its ability to enhance the digestive fire – “agni”. It’s therefore perfect for balancing all three doshas…

This Wild Rose Petal Elixhir made from the petals I gathered in the mountains, is literally the closest thing I have ever made to a love potion!…😍

Drinking it, I experience a wonderful warming, softening energy in my heart and it helps me calm a restless, scattered mind. I’m using it on grey days, when I feel we could both use the relaxing, uplifting and soothing properties of Rose, while I’m also reminded of all the wonderful memories of summer in the mountains with the abundant Wild Roses…

Use as a tincture, or a small amount in sparkling or warm water, in cocktails or in teas…

In many health stores you can find Rose tincture – or, it’s easy to make with your own rose petals. You could also simply add rose petals to honey for another way to infuse and use the wonderful medicinal value of rose. Afterwards, put outside in the sunshine everyday for upto 3 or 4 weeks…If you can’t access raw honey, try a honey that’s light in colour and flavour, therefore you’ll experience the rose perfume & taste sensation!)

As my Elixhir is disappearing too quickly ☺, I plan to make more! But this time, I’ll use some of the dried wild rose petals I stored away for winter like a squirrel!…

At this time of year, while everything in popular culture is designed to drain our spirit and life-force, (turning us into senseless, mega-consumers) Nature will always offer us MORE in the way of nourishment, love, fulfillment and life-energy…

Medicine truly is everywhere…

And let’s not forget,…
Not for everyone, but for the right people, there’s ALOT of medicine
in our unique journey of transformation,
and BECOMING…❤ 🐛🦋

Many people need love this time of year. If you feel this post might offer support to a heavy heart or anyone else who might benefit from my words – please share the love! Thanks.

“What matters most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them…Happiness doesn’t lie in the objects we gather around us. To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes.” – The Little Prince

Some thoughts about sensitive children and being introverted…

In our modern world, the extroverted personality is often glorified,…
while those who are naturally more introverted are not being given the understanding and compassion they deserve…

Many introverts are very sensitive to life around them and can experience the world through the lense of a deeply connected and fulfilling INNER world…💫

They have no need or desire for endless relationships or the vibrant energy of people around them…Energy, fulfillment and balance come through silence, simplicity, being alone in nature or with one’s own clear and individual thoughts…

Early in life, children who show signs of naturally being this way need to hear that their gifts are unique, beautiful and equally beneficial to a world, which is often far too noisy and busy – with humans who struggle to find fulfillment or safety in the simplicity of their own stillness and inner silence…

Sensitive children are a gift to this world…

They can help us to connect with our own vulnerability, sensitivity, longing for love and compassion and to be true to our own heart and soul path…

In a world ready to be reborn, I hope we can all become more conscious of our own generational wounds so we don’t unconsciously project them onto the next generations…Above all, early on, we celebrate the individual essence and unique soul gifts, which are rare but beautifully present in every child…


“May my soul bloom in love for all existence.”

Rudolf Steiner  

My painting: “Baby deer” ⬇️

Soul Timing…

🌟 Soul Timing 🌟

What is ‘Soul Timing’?…

I have learned,…’Soul Timing’ is the SLOW medicine of being and trusting in the perfection of all,…It’s knowing that everything in life arrives at the right time,…when it is ready…

It’s not about being so “driven” for “results” and acknowledgement coming from the outside…that we try to force and control everything with our mind (not listening and feeling from our heart)…

This time of chaos, change and much loss in the world is offering many people a chance to go ‘within’,…

…to review, re-evaluate and reflect on what is of true value, authenticity and nourishment in our lives…

Chaos, disharmony and loss can give us the opportunity to see that change is necessary…

Learn to become more at ease with your Inner Self,…Overtime,…you will realise…

…the peace, love and contentment you have been searching and longing for – through numerous ways on the ‘outside’ – can only be filled from within,…

…and your connection to the Great Spirit that moves through you and all of life…💓

🌎🌟A happy and peaceful Equinox🌟🌍
Much love,

Jaymie Elder

Introvert Musings: Intuition and the Medicine in Being Alone…

“To be free is to be capable of thinking one’s own thoughts…Not the thoughts merely of the body, or of society, but thoughts generated by one’s deepest, most original, most essential and spiritual self, one’s individuality.”

– Rudolf Steiner

As long as I can remember,…I sensed I was different and loved to be alone,…

It has been said that for Introverts, being alone with our thoughts is as restorative and nourishing as eating and sleeping…However, (like many others) I grew up in a culture and time in society when being “introverted” was not as acceptable, widely shared about or even celebrated like it is today!

Despite this, (and the wounds I accumulated to work with over-time) as from the age of 20, I was questioning and longing to “unfollow the herd”!…

I sensed that to find true happiness and self-fulfillment on my path in life, I needed to learn to disyfer, truly listen and follow the guidance of my own intuition and heart…Developing and nourishing my individual, Spiritual core became very important to me and still is today…I’m grateful to have met a partner who shared and supported these core values…

Now in my early 40’s, I am embracing a life and a future of not “needing” to be “understood” by others,…while at the same time, I am allowing myself to truly feel the unlimited, sovereign power, uniqueness and freedom within that….

If you resonate with these musings about Introverts,…

I hope despite what is happening in your life or whichever stage you are at on your journey, you keep following and finding strength in your intuition and unique identity.

Above all, keep walking at your own pace and find the solace, clarity, balance and restoration you need in your alone time.

The earth needs the unique essence and energy you carry within you!

Over many years, I have been offering support and intuitive guidance for sensitive empaths/introverts/mavericks/creative souls – born for this curent paradigm shift we are moving through…Drawing on my artistic expression and my experiences of a self-awareness, healing path of 20+ years, I write, ponder and offer inspiration about similar themes and ideas in many of my blog posts.

…Feel free to browse through this website/blog and also follow my/our journey in the Alps on Instagram.